Hannah & Andy's Engagement Session

Hannah & Andy said they wanted adventure, and boy did we get it. They drove down from Ohio and met me in Asheville, NC to climb up Max Patch, part of the Appalachian Trail. We were lucky enough to get caught in a storm. Usually when you're operating expensive camera equipment you don't consider a storm good luck, but this one was incredible. Crazy clouds, light pouring out from the darkness, and multiple rainbows all showed up to make our mountain shoot just insane. Sure, we got rained on too, and we had to run back to the car and change clothes, but I think the outcome of the photos was worth it. After our time on the mountain Hannah & Andy came back to SC with me and we shot around town a little. We had fun dodging the sun in a parking garage. Hannah went to school for architectural design (it's probably got a different official title but that's all I know) and she said "oh, I love concrete so much." I so enjoyed my time with these two. Andy is hilarious, you can see this mischievous look in his eye right before he tries to make Hannah laugh, but you can also see how much he cherishes her by the way he holds her tight. And Hannah just radiates light. But I'll stop ranting about them now and let you see for yourselves.