You know when you meet someone in college and even though on the outside you seem like totally different people, you connect because you have basically the same heart? And while you're growing up together you have to watch her go through some tough trials, but you keep telling her "it'll be worth it, the right one will come," because you believe in her and you think she deserves the best? And you know that feeling you get when years later her boyfriend calls you and tells you he's going to propose to her on a rooftop overlooking the city of Atlanta and asks you if you will be there to photograph it? You know, that feeling? Well, that's what I was dealing with during this shoot. Drew proposed to my dear dear friend Claire 18 stories above the city, and it was beautiful. I hid behind sunglasses and a hooded jacket (Drew later said I looked like a James Bond villain, which I'll take as a compliment) and photographed the two as they decided to spend the rest of their lives together. I'm gonna be honest - I got real emotional. When Claire saw me she ran up and hugged me. She squeezed my hand and said "Katherine knows my whole story. She knows." I think my heart burst into a million joyful pieces.